

Anniversary Committee is seeking your help! Share your memories with us!

The Church of the Holy Family 50th Anniversary Committee is seeking your help. Begin to browse through your photos for the wonderful memories that have been created at our church. Please send them, along with a one sentence description of your picture (ex. Mary at her First Holy Communion in 1999),[…]

Congratulations to Scholarship Recipients!

CONGRATULATIONS TO SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTSKnights of Columbus Sancta Familia Council #11498 is pleased to announce the following recipients of the 2023 Scholarship Awards: Julia Coyle, Elizabeth Littleton, Stephen Tursi, Colin Cunniff, Sean Parchesky, Alyssa DiFranceisco, Bryan Butkus. Timothy Mulranen (Seminarian)A total of $6,000 in scholarships have been awarded to theserecipients. Congratulations[…]

Prayer Shawl Ministry

In the 14 years since our ministry started, we have gifted 1490 Prayer Shawls to people in need. We have also given lap blankets and other items to the Knights of Columbus to forward to the Veterans’ home in Vineland, and to the Samaritan House. New members are always welcome to[…]

© Church of the Holy Family