Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

My Friends

John Chapter 15 was the Gospel I chose for my ordination mass.  It is my favorite Scripture passages in the entire bible.  It is a very powerful and moving chapter.  The passage speaks to me about three things, perseverance, love, and friendship. All three are connected and related, none of[…]

Know Jesus

Often times Fr. Sanjai and I will share with one another ideas and topics to consider in our preaching for any particular Sunday or Holy Day that is approaching.  Just a week or two ago I asked Fr. Sanjai what his main theme would be for that coming Sunday.  He[…]

Reflections by Father John: The Sacred Scriptures: Take Up and Read

From this Sunday’s readings we can draw on many themes and reflect on many different aspects of the Christian life, i.e. The Resurrection, sin and forgiveness, conversion, resting in the Lord, etc.  For me, however, there was one verse from the Gospel which really jumped off the page and that[…]

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