Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Father John: Divine Mercy: A Two Way Street

This second week of Easter is a very hold day indeed, as are all Sundays, but Easter Sunday is the most important because we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord.  We remember that today in some cultures t it is known as little Easter.  We also celebrate this Sunday as[…]

Reflections on John 3:16 and the 4th Sunday of Lent

In our Catholic Faith, and I have said this before, one of the most important words is the word, “And.”  We use it often, for instance: Scripture and Tradition Faith and Reason or Religion and Science Faith and Works Divine Providence and Free Will Mercy and Justice Relationship and Commandments[…]

Believe, Even in the Face of the Impossible

We are to have a faith that believes in the resurrection even in the face of the impossible.  When Abraham was commanded by God to offer his son Isaac as an offering, he was asked the impossible.  He was to believe that he would be the father of many nations[…]

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