Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Christ the King of the Universe

The right to rule and govern, to judge or offer pardon, belongs to the King, when it comes to eternal rule and judgment that belongs to the King of kings alone. Today we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is not just a[…]

Are You Ready?

For all intents and purposes Ordinary Time in the Church ends this week with this week being the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. I know there is an in between week, next week – Jesus King of the Universe before the 1st Sunday in Advent. Hard to believe that we[…]

National Vocation Awareness Week

(Bishop Dennis Sullivan and Fr. Michael Romano, Director of Vocations, are pictured with seminarians) A few weeks ago we had our presbyteral convocation, an annual meeting of all the priests in the diocese. I always look forward to it since I don’t always get to see my brother priests, so[…]

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