Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Fraternal and Compassionate Correction (of Self and of others)

The challenge from today’s readings asks that we present a clear picture, an honest assessment of culture and even of ourselves when it comes to examination of conscience. In Ezekiel we are asked to warn the sinner of his ways and the Gospel also challenges us to offer fraternal correction[…]

Which Person are You?

I love St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, our 2nd reading today. Paul encourages us to “not conform (ourselves) to this age but (to) be transformed by the renewal of (our) minds, that (we) may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” In[…]

History Lesson on the Keys to the Kingdom

The Church believes that Peter was the first pope and that his office was given to him by Christ Himself as we hear in this Sunday’s Gospel. “You are Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church . . . To you I give the keys to the[…]

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