Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Reflections by Fr. John Picinic

Even the Scraps are Enough!

Something wonderful and extraordinary happens in today’s Gospel between the Canaanite woman and Jesus. Her prayer is both spoken from the heart and a prayer that is rooted in perseverance. Jesus shows incredible tenderness on His part, even though it seems that He is being rough or even rude. The[…]

Not Just Peter, But All of Us!

Today’s Gospel story we have heard many times, Peter sinking into the water when he began to doubt and Jesus lifting him up preventing him from drowning. The imagery is beautiful, of Jesus grabbing onto Peter’s hand keeping him from perishing. That “truth” of Jesus rescuing Peter is true for[…]

The Power of Story Telling

Over the last few weeks the Gospels have been parables, stories that Jesus uses to make a point or to make several points. The stories themselves may not be true, i.e. they happened detail for detail, but the parables contain “truth.” I do not want to speak to you today[…]

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