The Informed Catholic on Moral and Human Issues, Presentation by Father John

The Informed Catholic on Moral and Human Issues, Presentation by Father John

  • Date: 22 Oct 2016 • 18:00–
  • Venue: Church of the Holy Family, Aquin Hall
  • Location: Sewell, NJ 08080

Presentation by Father John, “The Informed Catholic on Moral and Human Issues” 

On Saturday October 22,  Fr. John will present the topic of, “The Informed Catholic on Moral and Human Issues,” as taken from “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The presentation will not deal with, endorse, or oppose any candidate, party or group. The presentation’s focus will be on issues that are important to us. These issues are the sacredness and dignity of the human person – from womb to tomb, caring for the sick, the elderly, and the handicapped. We will also discuss the importance of peace, taking care of the environment as good stewards, and looking at the concept of justice. We will also discuss immigration, just wage, subsidiarity, solidarity, religious freedom, health care, Catholic Education, marriage and family. All of these topics will be based on their Biblical roots and Church teaching with a little Plato and Aristotle thrown in. Hopefully with understanding these issues we can better form our own conscience and be active in the world by taking the Gospel to every nation. The presentation will take place in the Aquin Hall at 6pm, food and refreshments will be provided.

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