Year of Saint Joseph Photography contest

Year of Saint Joseph Photography contest

  • Date: 07 Jun 2021 • 12:00 AM–12:00 AM
  • Venue: Online
  • Location: Camden Diocese

In honor of the Year of Saint Joseph, we encourage our readers to submit to our photography contest to capture modern fatherhood in the spirit of Saint Joseph. This image can be any that shows, as noted in Pope Francis’ apostolic Letter, Patris Corde “With a Father’s Heart” today’s example of the

  • loving father
  • obedient father
  • accepting father
  • courageous father
  • working father
  • silent father

Anyone may enter the contest, one image per entrant. This is an art contest, so there are no restrictions on style of photography or amount of editing. (See full rules below).

Judging will be conducted by the staff of The Catholic Star Herald.

Submit your photo to; please include your full name, address, parish and age. Photos must be received by June 7.

Winners will be announced in the Father’s Day edition of the Catholic Star Herald. Prizes to include a one-year subscription to the Catholic Star Herald and a $100 gift card.

And be on the lookout for more art contests in the future!


  • Photo entries must relate to the theme of fatherhood.
  • Individuals submitting photos must possess the full rights to their submitted photos. Photos including material of questionable ownership may be excluded.
  • Photos must be in JPEG or PNG formats and high resolution.  Photos with watermarks or other advertisements embedded in them will not be accepted.
  • Photos need not have been taken in the year in which they are being submitted.
  • By entering this photo contest you are giving The Catholic Star Herald permission to use your photo(s) in promotional and marketing items related to this contest or future contests.
  • We reserve the right to eliminate photographic submissions deemed to be objectionable.
  • Entries that do not follow the guidelines will be disqualified.

Comments are closed.

© Church of the Holy Family