Happy Retirement to Elayne and Charlene

Happy Retirement to Elayne and Charlene

The priests, staff and parishioners wish Elayne Cipolla a very Happy Retirement.  She has been our Email Blast Coordinator for several years now starting out in 2015 working as an office assistant helping in many capacities including our main office and the Religious Education Office.  She was always eager to go where she was needed with a smile.  She has ended her time at Holy Family as the Email-Blast Coordinator doing a fabulous job each week keeping the parishioners up to date on the happenings at the Church.  She will be missed a great deal and we wish her all the best as she enjoys her retirement spending time with her family.

We would like to congratulate Charlene Campbell who is retiring as of June 30, 2023.  The priests, staff and parishioners wish her all the best in the next chapter of her life.  She has been such a positive asset to Holy Family working in many different capacities from part time to full time starting in Religious Education, becoming Safe environment Coordinator bringing that title with her to the main office where she ended as social media coordinator and many other office and sacramental tasks.  She has touched so may lives helping wherever she could.  No task has too much or too large for her.  She will be missed a great deal and we are forever blessed that she was part of the staff of Holy Family.

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